Kogălniceanu Manor

Good general condition. It is a school unit (kindergarten) and isn't included in local or regional tourist routes.
  • Historic monument category A; code LMI CT-II-m-A-02870
  • Built in 1885
  • Mărgăritarelor Alley, no. 16, Murfatlar

The Mihail and Vasile Kogălniceanu Manor is the most important manor in Dobrogea from before the First World War and one of the oldest modern civilian immobiles still standing.

The immobile was bought by Mihail Kogălniceanu from a Turkish owner, Hagi Mehmet Aralam, and transformed into a family residence. It was inhabited by Vasile Kogălniceanu, the son of Mihail, who received the dignity of area inspector in Dobrogea, and then of the Mangalia net.

The building is designed with a semi-basement, a ground floor and an upper floor with a belvedere tower, unique among the civilian buildings of Dobrgea before 1914. The architectonic style, albeit eclectic, is inspired by Moorish architecture, the most obvious in this regard being the entrance, sumptuous arched, and with numerous specific elements. The castellated gable and the belvedere tower of the building are the most important elements of early Moorish architecture in Romania. The hardware, specific to the last decades of the 19th century, is original.

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