Tulea Weissbuch House

Bad general condition, the building needs rehabilitation and enhancement.
  • The first decade of the 20th century
  • Constanța, Nicolae Titulescu Street no. 5

Tulea Weissbuch house is the prototype of a very wealthy family home in Constanța in the first two-three decades of the 20th century. The entire building, together with the decorative elements, suggests attention to detail and an investition in good quality materials and exceptional architecture. 

The style is Art Nouveau, with Rococo and Neoclassical elements. The building has splendid hardware elements, unique to the Art Nouveau ensemble of Constanța, elements that accompany the doors and windows (covered in wreath and with the distinctive signs of the family). Rosettes with rich decorations, volutes above the upper floor, arched windows, framed by rich and beautifully made wreaths, a colored glass roof protecting the entrance, typical of Art Nouveau buildings, are detail elements that make the Weissbuch house distinctive. Tulsa Weissbuch was, for a quarter of a century, one of the most important cereal exporters in Romania, through the Constanța port. For a long time he had, before the First World War but also after it, the dignity of President of the Cereal Trader Association. In this capacity, Tulea Weissbuch, in 1923, for 1% of the value of the cereals exported through the Constanța port to be donated for the construction of the new location for the current Mircea Cel Bătrân High School, being, in this way, one of the founders.

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