Ion Bănescu House

Very good general condition, without interventions who would have modified the architectural specifics. It is being valued to its potential, being the headquarters of one of the cultural institutions of the city.
  • Historic monument B; code LMI: CT-II-m-B-21100;
  • It was built in the 1911-1914 period, Architect: Nicolae Loghiu.
  • It is located in the center of Constanța, on Tomis Boulevard, nr. 110.

Ion Bănescu (1851-1909), whose bust sculpted by Dimitrie Paciurea in 1910 is also part of the patrimony monuments of Constanța, was the mayor of the city between the 7th of February 1905 and the 11th of April 1907 and, at diverse stages, a school reviser, school principal of different schools and high schools, founder of the Museum of Archaeology (1878). Ion Bănescu House began construction after his death and, after that, the death of his wife, Elena (1911), being built with financial help from the City Hall of Constanța for his four orphaned minor children, all under the custody of Lucia Lăpușneanu, Elena Bănescu’s sister. The house, with a 500 square meters surface, is built on two levels, with a ground floor and an upper floor, with a balcony sculpted and decorated in massive wood, it is a unique architectonic piece of Constanța and it represents one of the most successful variants of the neoromanian style.

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